Practice Information
About Us
We provide comprehensive NHS primary care services to help you manage your health and wellbeing. This page contains information about our practice.
The Barcellos Family Practice serves our 8,000 patients from two surgery sites, one in Corbin Avenue, Tricketts Cross and one in Glenmoor Road, West Parley. We offer the same service across both of our branch sites. Both of our sites have free parking and wheelchair accessibility.
We are a baby-friendly Practice. You are welcome to breastfeed your baby; please ask a Receptionist if you would like to sit somewhere private. Smoking is not permitted either within the Practice premises or in the Practice car park.
Scroll down for more information about the practice, including a map of where to find our sites.

Corbin Avenue Surgery
Tricketts Cross
Telephone 01202 897 989

Glenmoor Road Surgery
West Parley
Telephone 01202 874302
More about The Barcellos Family Practice
Locations of The Barcellos Family Practice surgery sites
Training Practice
We are a training practice and teaching is really important to our team. We teach a range of doctors and medical students. The doctors we teach provide our patients with the opportunity to access their wide range of up to date skills and knowledge.
We have doctors who are training specifically to becomes GPs called GP registrars. We also have second year junior doctors from Bournemouth Hospital called Foundation Year Doctors (F2s). In addition we teach medical students from Southampton University.
Trainees are always closely supervised and monitored by a GP. You will only be seen by them if you consent.

Clinical Research
Clinical Trials help Doctors understand how to treat a particular disease or condition. It may benefit you, or others like you, in the future.
If you take part in a Clinical Trial, you may be one of the first people to benefit from a new treatment.
However, if you do take part you should also be aware that there is a chance that the new treatment turns out to be no better, or worse, than the existing standard treatment.
Infection Control Statement
Infection Prevention and Control is the work an organisation does to identify potential risks for spread of infection between patients (and between patients and staff) and to take measures to reduce that risk. The Practice takes its responsibility to do this very seriously.
All staff take responsibility for their own role in this and all staff receive regular training in their role in Infection Prevention and Control.